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Please check this page for upcoming CNDM Day events.

CNDM Day is a community initiative designed to bring together various stakeholders in the space of Kubernetes cloud native storage, application backup, and other aspects of Kubernetes data management. At the event, experts will be invited to discuss the challenges our customers face and the changing requirements of developing in a cloud-native world. They’ll present real-world case studies and offer best practices for optimizing cloud native data management in Kubernetes.

CNDM Day was created to build on the momentum of the cloud native storage initiative. Its focus on Kubernetes cloud native data management enables us to dive deeper into the topics relevant to developers working in Kubernetes, while reaching a larger audience.

CNDM Day is organized and sponsored by a loose collaboration of vendors and enthusiasts in the cloud native space. Current sponsors can be found here.

CNDM Day is a virtual event that attracts CXOs, IT managers, System Administrators and Architects, and others interested in learning how to optimize data protection and management in Kubernetes.

CNDM Day is designed to deliver great content and opportunities to learn from experts, share ideas and network with like-minded professionals. Contributors are welcomed into our community of Kubernetes, DevOps and cloud native professionals, and have access to an ideal platform for demonstrating leadership in their field. Our goal is to ensure attendees receive high-caliber educational content and opportunities to interact with experts in cloud native data management, so they can enrich their knowledge and leave with actionable insights that can be applied in their own organizations. Sponsoring opportunities are determined according to the requirements of each event, and may include vendor presentations, hands-on sessions and more.

We are always looking for contributors — speakers, writers, and sponsors. To get involved, please reach out to us!